“Wild Card” by Asfiya Rahman is a compelling novel that revolves around Karan Mehrotra, a top-tier tennis player on the cusp of achieving his lifelong dream of winning at Wimbledon. The narrative takes an unexpected turn when Karan’s life is upended by personal tragedy: his wife Riya, pregnant at the time, dies in a terrible accident immediately after giving birth to their paraplegic daughter, Roshni. This devastating event leads Karan to lose all interest in tennis and abandon his Wimbledon dream.
Instead, Karan dedicates his life to caring for Roshni. However, the story takes another turn when eight-year-old Roshni discovers the truth about her father’s past as a champion tennis player. Driven by this revelation, she makes it her mission to bring her father back to his former glory and fame. Despite his initial reluctance, Karan eventually decides to return to tennis, motivated by his daughter’s wishes.
This novel explores themes of loss, ambition, and the power of familial bonds. It portrays how personal tragedy can alter life’s trajectory and highlights the potential for redemption and second chances. The narrative also delves into the impact of unexpected life events and the resilience required to adapt and overcome challenges. Through Karan’s journey, the book offers an inspirational message about the importance of perseverance and the enduring strength of love and family ties.
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